“We have already taken many steps, now it is time to take a leap”
Malala Yousafzai

The group decides how often and under what indicators they will follow up on the activities of the plan to ensure they are being carried out and to determine who will be responsible for measuring and reporting. 


  • To showcase and celebrate the work of the PASSA Group. 
  • To get feedback from the community.
  • To develop a procedure for checking on progress in the implementation of the improvements in shelter safety

Project management

The action plan will involve one or more projects that need to be monitored according to the parameters set by the group. Tools like spreadsheets and planning boards can help keep track of progress in a collaborative environment that any one can check and update. Social networks facilitate the group to maintain the connections established, get the word out, gather support and show achievements in the safety of shelters and settlements.

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3 years ago
En esta actividad es muy importante hacer la planificación de la "presentación" de los planes del grupo PASSA al resto de la comunidad, ya que el grupo PASSA no implementa solo las actividades, sino que es promotor de ellas en su comunidad, para esto es muy importante recibir retroalimentación de más representantes de la misma.