“A map is the greatest of all epic poems. Its lines and colors show the realization of great dreams”
Gilbert Grosvenor

A community map is built collectively from the exploration of the territory that leads them to discover for themselves details that perhaps they had not noticed before, paying attention to the conditions of their environment from the perspective of risk. 


To identify hazards, vulnerabilities and strengths related to individual buildings and the settlement as a whole. To explore the territory to recognize current conditions of the community. To create a base map to plan, follow up, and evaluate, reflecting on the conditions with its vulnerabilities and strengths. To develop a common vision within the community to help the youth understand the safety conditions of their shelter. To foster self-esteem and associative strength by allowing the participants to create their own map.

Community Mapping

Technology helps us tell our own stories, with images, videos and audios. When these resources are located on a map we create a multimedia representation of the social, political, historical or cultural relations of the community within the territory. This is a document that preserves the knowledge collected by the participants, with which decisions for the benefit of the community are made.

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3 years ago
Esta actividad es genial si se puede hacer online usando google My Maps por ejemplo. Sin embargo hacer la actividad usando mapas impresos puede ser otra opción. Si ese fuera el caso, es una muy buena idea usar mapas impresos (lo mas grande que se pueda) mejor si es a color o en formato "google maps" porque este formato es familiar para los jóvenes porque lo suelen usar en sus telefonos. para cada grupo que trabaje en el mapa puedes darles una lámina de plastico transparente y que sobre esa lámina agreguen los post its de vulnerabilidad y capacidad, así, luego vas a poder superponer las láminas de cada grupo y va a quedar un solo mapa con "capas"