digital tool
Apache OpenOffice Calc

It is a spreadsheet application where alphanumeric data (numbers, letters and other characters) can be tabulated. Generally, spreadsheets are used to perform calculations but they can also be used to organize, compare and save information. You can use them to generate charts from the data supplied.

Download the Apache OpenOffice software for the operating system on your computer and the language of your choice.

Apache OpenOffice Calc

It is a spreadsheet application where alphanumeric data (numbers, letters and other characters) can be tabulated. Generally, spreadsheets are used to perform calculations but they can also be used to organize, compare and save information. You can use them to generate charts from the data supplied.


Download the Apache OpenOffice software for the operating system on your computer and the language of your choice.


Open the Visualization file. You can change the data or create a new file.

  • The information collected by youth about severe, moderate and mild impact should be placed in two columns: impact and frequency.
  • Select the severe impact and frequency columns.
  • Click the chart symbol or select Insert - Chart from the main menu.
  • Choose a chart type. It could be Column.
  • Verify the data range. It should encompass all the cells that contain the information.
  • Select Data series in columns.
  • If the preview is correct the data should appear without changes.
  • Select Chart Elements to name your chart in the Title space and click on Finish.
  • You can do the same with all other charts.
  • To change the color of a bar select it first.
  • Then double click.
  • Select the desired color and click OK.